The new Canon EOS 7D firmware 2.0.0 is a fact. I just installed it onto my 7D, which went without issue. Right after upgrading I shot a burst of RAWs, and the camera started to stutter after the 24th RAW. Not bad!! I also managed to find the menu where you can limit the Auto-ISO faily quickly. You can now limit the auto-ISO to 400, 800, 1600, 3200 or 6400. This is going to be SO handy!
As far as I know this is the first time Canon released a firmware that really carries significant new features (the only other I know of are some video enhancements on the 5DmkII). For a full feature set of the new firmware, check my post “Canon EOS 7D new firmware v2.0 announced!”
You can download the firmware HERE.
UPDATE September 12th, 2012: There is a bug-fix version available for this firmware. It is called 2.0.3. Check it out!
[…] Canon EOS 7D Firmware 2.0.3 released Sep122012 Leave a Comment Written by Erik Zandboer Today Canon released a bug-fixing firmware version for the long awaited version 2.0.0 firmware! […]