Shooting macro has always interested me. Since I was a kid I tried to shoot bugs and other small creatures with a standard film camera… which failed of course. My father owned an SLR camera (which was old even for those days), but he had a bellows and managed to shoot a wasp up real […]
Why to buy a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 – And w
Last week my eleven year old daughter took some amazing macro shots with an old setup of mine. One image came out so great I wanted to share it with the community. This single image shows exactly why you’d want to buy a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens, and why you wouldn’t. The camera […]
Shooting Parties in low light
I always get a lot of questions on how to shoot in low-light party situations. This is one of the specific scenarios that require some higher end gear, as shooting fast action in low light is the real trick. In this blog post I’ll try to put down some ground rules, which are guidelines you […]